ABOUT ME Searching the web for some good romance books, with dark themes, and as close to human reactions as possible, and at the same time kept me on the edge of my seat, not wanting to let go for a moment, wasn't easy. I realized that I would not be able to find them that way. The books that are in the first places of search are not necessarily what I was looking for, even if they put them as the sensation of the moment. They are there, not because they are the best, but because of the incredible publicity campaign of their editorials. My obsession with reading began a few years ago, and so far I've been able to devour one book after another. My impulse was such that I had to sign up for Kindle Unlimited, otherwise, my bank account would be at zero. After going through book after book in an effort to read the next one, I, unfortunately, faced a terrible barrier, which was the scarcity of content that satisfied my need, leading me many times to abandon the books. I wasn't satisfied. So I gave myself the task of knowledge among all of them, the ones that best suit my needs as a reader. And not only this, I also began to develop a taste for writing my own stories. It was time to create my characters and the tragedies and happy moments that would comfort my heart. So I did.