

Destroy them


After leaving my wife asleep in our catacombs, I made my way to the throne chamber. Now that Moriah is safe and out of harm's way, it's time to deal with the clans once and for all.

My mind went over and over again to what the Dragon Demon told me, the clans were organized, all against me. Forming a council, what did the Dragon call them? Ah! Yes, “The Council of Seven” is pathetic. And with the queen in power, let's just say they might have the upper hand over me, in case I didn't know, but Oh! Surprise, I know.

Those damn traitors won't know what hit them when I'm done with them. And as for my queen, let's just say her reign will be very short. But for now, I will gather the demons I need to put an end to this.

As I raised my arms, I invoked the ancient powers of the underworld. “Thanatos, my loyal servant, my faithful demon, come to me, the God of the underworld calls you.” A ball of black smoke formed in front of me, this energy is incredible.

It has been a long time since I have experienced such a beautiful force as this, death. From the black cloud emerged the creature that I was waiting for. Dressed in a black cloak, carrying the sword of death fastened to his belt. With his black wings spread towards me. Thanatos knelt before me.

“My king, your servant is here to assist you.” I approached him and put my hand on his shoulder, signalling to get up. The god of death, the Knight of darkness, the demon who carries out my mandate with his sword, my executioner.

“Thanatos, I need you to take care of a problem.” I brought him up to speed on everything the Dragon Demon told me, and what had happened to Persephone's crown. He will be the one to lead those traitors of the council of seven to their doom.

“I will destroy them, for you, my lord.”

“Now, before you take care of the seven clan leaders, I need you to bring before me one demon from each clan. I don't care who you choose, but they must be true to me and fear me. No one should know about this, and once you have brought them before me, I will take care of the rest.”

My infernal executioner bowed his head in reverence and disappeared without saying more. I returned to my throne and my thorny branches zigzagged along my body. Then, I felt her energy flowing through me, but not only that, but I could also feel my wife's presence through the bond. Then, closing my eyes, I was filled with her vital force.

My wife was uneasy and upset, which made me smile, she sure is bored. But I know how to entertain her and keep her busy for a while. But until I solve this problem with the clans, she will have to remain locked, in my catacombs. I cannot risk her. She is vital and valuable, and wouldn’t risk putting her in danger. I will make the prophecy come true no matter what. Because my daughters and sons will conquer the worlds and no demon, god, or angel will be able to prevent it. I still have something else to do, before returning to my wife.

“Anton.” My servant, in a matter of seconds, materialized before me.

“My lord, almighty and powerful, I am at your service.” I have to know what has been going on while I have been away, “Give me your report, and I want it with details.”

“My master, of course. The queen has been very busy meeting with her advisers. She installed her throne in the chamber of lost souls.” Very convenient for her.

“The leaders of the Bloodrink and Poissonarm clan requested an audience too. Unfortunately, the power of my queen is too powerful for your humble servant to penetrate her barrier.”

Damn, that demon thinks she is very clever. My eyes began to glow from the energy I was emanating. I couldn't contain my fury, and I sent a shock wave towards the wall in front of me. My servant did not dare to move from his place, if I wanted, he would be disintegrated “ARR! Continue.”

“Y-yes my l-oor-d and m-ast-er, the meeting lasted one hour and fifty minutes. Half an hour before ending, two demons joined them. One of them is my queen's trusted adviser, his name is Headeath. The other demon I had not seen before, that is all I have to report, Lord and Master.” So, they're already moving, okay, okay, Drickblood, okay.

“Anton, keep watching her. Whatever demons are seen with the queen, let me know right away, and give me a list of all the advisers she has in her service. Especially those close to the leader of the Bloodrink and Poissonarm clans.”

I will finish them all, and won’t have no mercy. No one who dares to challenge me will live to tell the tale. “My master, there is something else that I have to inform you.” I waved my hand as a sign that he has permission to speak.

“We have discovered the reason for the death of Poissona. The representative of the Poissonarm Clan in the tribulation games. The expert discovered that her body was drained.” I narrow my eyes and raise my head at this news. I am beginning to connect the dots.

“The demon of ceremonies suspects that my queen had something to do. Since piercings at the base of the neck were found, and they are consistent with the bite of a vampire demon.” I suspected the same, but I let my servant continue.

“The theory that he is handling is that the queen absorbed Poissona's poisonous powers, with the aim of piercing the invincible skin of the Cerberus. The poison itself would not harm him, but it would momentarily weaken his skin. This would be the perfect opportunity for my queen to pierce him with her fangs and draw even a drop of blood. And with that, absorb the powers of the great beast.”

That's right, it was a brilliant plan. “Servant, I'm going to bring the hellhound back. He will surely have a pending account to settle in the future. If the queen has any complaints, she will have to do with me, understood?” Anton nodded, and I waved my hand for him to back off. He touched the ground with his forehead and vanished.

I was about to retreat to my catacombs when a presence materialized before me. My Queen appeared in the middle of a dense black cloud, and as well, I could feel energy and magic that I did not recognize. What I could say for sure is that this vampire was gaining a lot of power. Her mere presence could match the strongest demons in the underworld.

Sadly, Persephone's crown protects her from me. It is the symbol that identifies her as the beloved of the king of the underworld. However, I had seen through the ghoulish plans of my enemies. It was brilliant, just brilliant. At the moment, I cannot attack her. I need a compelling pretext to get the crown to abandon her. Everything will happen in time; I can only be patient.

As Drickblood strode towards me, her steps were powerful and determined. This demon has grown so much in power that it would be fair to say that if she faces me in a battle, she would cause me some trouble. Therefore, I need to end her as soon as possible.

Leaning my head against the back of my throne, silently wait for her to speak. “My dear king, I salute you. I have waited days for this moment. You have been so busy lately, and I have missed you so much that my black heart is in pain.” Her eyes have become a vortex of destruction, feeding on death and hunger.

I know that very well because mine feed on the same thing, “My queen, to what do I owe your visit?” Drickblood nodded and moved close to me. She leaned closer and touched my hand with hers. I immediately moved away. She raised her hands in surrender and said, “My beloved king of the underworld, as you know, the clans are nervous. I have been in direct contact with them, listening to their concerns.”

Mm! So, she already knows I'm spying on her, interesting. “We need to conceive our heir. And you know it well, my lord and master Armaloth. I do not understand what is keeping you away from that glorious moment. Our powers will be immeasurable and everything will be focused on our creation. A demon that will have no equal.”

In that instant, I felt slight dizziness, and my eyes began to blur. I blinked several times to adjust my vision, but it was useless. My thorny branches began to snake around me, putting a protective barrier around me. Something is not right. I tried to get up, but my legs did not support me, making me fall to my knees. Despite this, I managed to keep myself from falling on my face by using my hands. A disdainful look passed over Drickblood's face as I raised my head. With teeth clenched, I asked,

“What have you done to me?”

“My king, what are you talking about? It appears that you don't feel well. Let me help you,” She approached me, and I moved my hand so that she would not touch me. She pouted and in a mocking tone said, “Hey, hey, my king, that's not nice. You have to let me help you. At the end of the day, we are united. I am your true wife, the queen, the ruler of the underworld.”

The spinning of my head increased, and my vision became blurrier. I remarked with horror how the thorny branches lowered their guard and remained still beside me.

“The thorny branches are aware of how much I love you, they know that I am yours. Together, we will be a happy family. My, my! We will take care of all your concerns soon, so don't worry.”

Those words made me think of Moriah. I must find her before it is too late. I invoked my power, but nothing happened. She did something with my powers when she touched me.

“Do not resist, do not fight. Allow everything to happen as it should.”

I was losing focus quickly when I felt something break inside me. At that moment, I turned to Drickblood, but she was different, and I saw her for who she was, the real Persephone, my queen. Once the strength returned to my body, I stood up and walked towards her.

Then, without thinking any longer, I took her neck and snatched her mouth. Our tongues intertwined in a lusty, and deadly dance. The kiss abruptly ended, and I grabbed her shoulders and turned her so that her back was to me. With my knee, I spread her legs and penetrated her directly. My thrusts were brutal, and Drickblood received each one with equal force.

Our energy swirled around us, immense and powerful. Suddenly, my queen shifted position, now riding me. As she impaled herself time after time, I was contemplating her from where I was. Then, the image of Moriah briefly entered my mind. I allowed it to pass and continued enjoying the encounter. We did it in all positions and everywhere, our meeting was wild and hard, so we are demons.

We ended the two on the floor panting, both catching our breath. Drickblood sat up and was the one who broke the silence.

“My King, I will never tire of having you inside. I have looked forward now for years, and it has finally arrived. It was terrible of you to keep me away from you and all the things that are important, all because of that human.”

Ah, the human! Yes, Moriah, “Do not worry my queen, the human will serve her purpose and nothing else, it is you that I want by my side.”

It was true, we would be invincible, and our heir would be the most powerful of them all. My enemies will fall like dead flies before me. We will be known as the most lethal rulers of all time. We will live in everyone's mind, and our names will inspire only fear.

“My king, I would like to bring my throne here, to the throne chamber, next to yours.” My queen passed her sharp nail across my chest, her eyes displaying intense desire.

“Whatever you want, my queen, whatever you want.” She smiled wickedly, but I didn't think anything about it. “I also want to live with you so that we share the same roof. What do you say, love? Will you invite me to your catacombs?”

I watched her carefully as I leaned on my elbows, my desire to have her surpassing my reason. As I approached her mouth, I bit her passionately, drawing blood, Mm!! Moriah's tasty blood, Moriah, Mm! The human occupied my thoughts and I did not understand why.

I decided at that moment to forget everything and take my queen again. We did not leave the throne chamber for a long time.

When we finished, I stood up and offered her my hand. She took it confidently and got up from the floor. I held her hand tight as we transferred to the catacombs. I saw the human in the distance once the cloud of smoke had dispersed. She was curled up, her eyes were red, and her skin looked pale. I do not remember seeing her like this before I left. However, all I thought about right now was having my queen, and nothing else.

Moriah looked up and saw us with visible shock on her face. I looked at her foot and noticed that the thorny branch was still holding it. Well, I will keep it like that, restricted until I have use of her. As we approached her, the Tree of Knowledge immediately went on guard. Creating a barrier between the human and us.

This filled me with rage. With my power, I forced the branches to lower their guard, remaining inert by her side. This shouldn't be happening. So with resentment in my voice, I spoke, “What did you do with my tree, human? Why is it attacking me? MY TREE, MINE. ARRRR!”

I ran over to her with lightning speed, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her into the air. Her feet dangling from her helplessness, and her weak. Her small hands struggling to free her neck, with her eyes filled with tears, begged me to release her. Her face was beginning to look purple and pathetic. I threw her away from my presence, but her fall was stopped by one of the branches, which placed her carefully on the ground. With disdain, I saw how the surrounding branches snaked around her, curling all over her, comforting.

When I was about to go against her again, my queen stopped me, “My love, don't worry about her, it wouldn't be worth the trouble. She is here only to give you the army. Be careful with your strength, or you can permanently damage her.”

My queen is right, she has to give me what I need, “You are right, my queen.”

I approached the human and kicked her in the back hard several times. Thanks to me, her body is more resistant and can heal faster than a normal human, so I don't have to deny myself the fun.

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