
The pact with the dragon


I was struck by the dragon's massive, gleaming eyes as soon as I saw him. I took a few steps back, even though I was more determined than ever to face him. I still felt threatened by his mere presence.

As the dragon approached me, I had to jerk my head back as he became closer and closer. He was a monster, and so near to me.

Smoke flowed from his nose as he yawned loudly. I felt his foul breath hitting me in the face. The dragon blinked several times to adjust his gaze until it settled on me. “I thought it was a dream. I had already forgotten that you were around here, this brain of mine.” The dragon shook its head and then sat up.

“What can I do for you, Queen of the underworld?”

I denied with my head the title with which he referred to me, and said, “Dragon, since I woke up in the underworld, I have not stopped suffering. I know that you aren't concerned about my life, or what happens to me. Although we are strangers, I am sure there is a way for you to help me.” The dragon's face looks like he was thinking I had lost my mind as he gazed at me. That's how I felt. All this was beyond my comprehension.

“In what way can I help the Queen of the underworld?” I took a deep breath in order to calm down how exasperated I was at this moment.

“Dragon, I am the Queen of nothing. My name is Moriah, I think. But the important thing is that you tell me how to get out of here.”

Several seconds later, the dragon laughed aloud. I couldn't understand what it was that amused him so much.

The dragon, despite its intimidating size, was a bit annoying. Having laughed as much as he wanted, he said, “Moriah, right?” I nodded in agreement as continued, “Where do you want to go, so the demons can't find you?” I was afraid to hear that, as my hopes deflated.

Having reflected on what he said, I replied: “Dragon, I don't know anything. Well, yes, two things, one, I know nothing about me, and second, that filthy demon Armaloth has me here to torture me. Moreover, let's not forget that they want to use me to power an army with his children.” That's completely ridiculous.

“Help me, dragon, I know there is something that I can do for you.” I searched his eyes, with passion and hope in my heart. Yet, the dragon was not at all convinced.

“Please, dragon, what are you going to lose?” He shook his head several times before telling me, “You said you knew nothing. That's the same as throwing a baby out on the street. You are like that little baby, defenceless and ignorant.” Despite the fact that he said the truth, his words still hurt. But, I would rather go to any other destination, those that the demons have in mind for me.

“Dragon, it doesn't matter, anywhere is better than here, no offence intended. However, I will not be able to live where the demons are. My refusal is to play by their rules. I need guidance, so please tell me something.”

The dragon was thinking, considering what he wanted to say, “I don't intend to commit to anything with you, but I'd like you to see something. You say you don't know where you're from? Well, I'll show you. Once you've seen this, you'll tell me what you'd like to do.”

After swallowing with worry, I nodded in agreement. Finally, I will know where I had come from and what I was doing before appearing here.

As he began walking, I stood aside quickly, allowing him to exit his cave, without stamping on me.

Turning to face me, he threw his head back. The ray of light that came from his mouth radiated throughout the cave. As the light spread, I began to see images that I had never seen before. People and places are entirely different from where I was now, and they were like me.

I saw small humans walking alongside tall ones in a beautiful place with trees, plants, and lakes. There was no way I could blink for fear of missing something. That's the world I come from? And it's beautiful.

The images suddenly changed, and a man was holding a little baby girl in his arms. The man appeared to be happy.

The baby was smiling, drool dripping from her chin, but she didn't care. The man grabbed the baby and held her in his arms. The baby couldn't stop laughing, she was happy just being in the man's arms.

Right away, the wonderful image changed, and she became a girl playing in the park. She was accompanied by the same man, who simply watched her play.

Suddenly, another image appeared. Both were standing on the sand and around them was a vast body of water, deep blue, where you could see only water. She held the man's hand, and they walked along the shore together, as the girl collects things from the sand from time to time, while she carried a small container. She watched with fascination the things she was placed inside.

A new set of images appeared, and the same girl was with the same man, but in a different location. Time passed, and the girl became taller and more intelligent. She studied a lot, you could tell she loved books. It was always her and the man, people came and went, but they never separated, they remained together.

I felt like my heart was cramping watching them for some reason. There was something missing, and I didn't know what it was. The more I watched, the more tears filled my eyes, and the more my heart longed for them.

The one that used to be a girl, was no longer one, the following images were of her in a university. I noticed that she was admired by many, as well as many seeking her help. Among all of them, she was the most knowledgeable. The man was always proud of who she was, and was always by her side, helping her in everything.

A part of me opened up as if the images had provided the answer to what I didn't realize I was seeking. At that moment, I knew it was me, and the man always by my side was my father.

I covered my face with my hands and dropped to the floor on my knees. My heart hurts. He was my father.

Now, I remember everything, thousands of memories have flooded my mind. After I was kidnapped, I was able to remember everything from my past again.

I knew who I was. My name is Moriah Regina, and I am a prodigy in psychiatry. Daughter of one of the most prestigious doctors of the 20th century.

I lay on the floor sobbing. What I discovered today was something that completely unsettled me. My father, my life, gave me a reason to move on now. That is why I will get out of here and fight for what is mine.

After spilling the last drop, I wiped my face with my hand and stood up. I was now faced with the dragon demon, looking at him straight in the eyes with determination, with my eyes reflecting his.

“Dragon, it's time to go home, and I expect you to help me. You will help me if you consider me the queen of the underworld.”

Although the dragon narrowed his fierce eyes, I was determined. I held his gaze until he finally answered me, “So now you're the queen of the underworld, uh? That changes everything.”

Hearing that made my stomach churn with anxiety. My mind started to grow with hope and salvation. Please, please, please, I begged in my mind. But I was surprised at the dragon's next words, “It is true that you are the Queen of the underworld, chosen by the tree of knowledge and the king's Agalariept.” Then he nodded to himself, confirming what he said.

“You are the queen, yes. Yet, the king will not let you go so easily, actually, he won't let you go at all. He will search for you in all the worlds, and he will find you. Where you hide doesn't matter.”

All the hopes that had flooded my heart disappeared, leaving me empty. It can't be this, it has to be something else. I only have one option, and that is to find an alternative. “Help me if I cannot do it forever, then, please give me some time, whatever it takes, but I want to stay with my father as long as possible.”

My father is the only thing that matters to me now. This was the first time I had seen him this way; he was always by my side. He dedicates his life to me until the last moment.

After carefully observing me, the dragon demon sighed heavily and said to me, “Moria, I will help you return to your world, but it won't last forever. The King of the Underworld is a powerful monster. I could say he is even more powerful than I am. Although I have nothing to fight for, he does, so you can be sure he will do everything in his power to reach you.”

Still, I shook my head, and then I beg one more time, “Please dragon, please, help me. Help me, just for a little while.”

He watched me with shiny eyes, then said, “What would you give me if I helped you?”

Oh! That caught me off guard, but I replied in bravery, “What could a dragon like you want?” He laughed, of course, always doing the same thing.

“Oh, there's one thing I want. Upon returning, I will spend time with you.”

That made my whole face light up with a smile. The cheeky dragon that he is. This is the first time I've smiled since I woke up in the underworld.

“Done, dragon.” The beast nodded and said, “Done, Moriah of Armaloth.” After this, he blew a puff on my face and my body began to fade. As I stared at him in uncertainty, my entire body seemed to disappear, and the last thing I heard was the dragon's voice telling me, “Your father's last day on earth will be the day the king comes for you. Not one day more, not one day less. Moriah, queen of the underworld, I look forward to seeing you again.”

That was the last I heard of the dragon before the darkness took hold of me.


My eyes opened with difficulty because a bright light was hitting my face, making this task difficult. As soon as I managed to see, I was greeted with the most beautiful image I'd ever seen, I was at home.

That afternoon I cried as I had never cried before. I was in my world. After I awoke, I found myself in the same place where I had been abducted by him.

Looking around, I slowly got up to see the beautiful vineyards of Monsieur Aubèrt. Now that there was no one with me, I was absolutely sure that there weren't shadows, or demons lurking. No presences, and no Armaloth to be found.

While looking down, I noticed that I was wearing clothes. The outfit I wore that fateful day is still fresh in my memory. I found it incredible, that, in the underworld, I never put anything on myself, and I never felt the need or even noted I was naked. But here, I'm so happy to be wearing these clothes.

With so much longing, I hug my body. I couldn't imagine doing anything else because I missed this.

My shoes caught my attention as I looked below. My mind was unable to escape remembering how I walked like an animal, hands, and feet always filthy. I had no dignity there, but that ended, so at least for now, I'm safe.

As I walked to the exit of the arena, I noticed that the altar and the dagger weren't there. I paid no more attention to that, and turned around, giving my back to everything.

After rushing to the exit, I ran as hard as I could; thinking of my father. Only he was on my mind, needed to see him, to hug him.

When I see him again, will not stop telling him how much I love him and how grateful I am for everything he's done for me throughout his life.

I ran straight through the vineyards without stopping, excited, probably soaked in sweat, but nothing mattered any more. I understood the true meaning of life. I will put the most important thing at the top this time.

The more steps I took, the closer I got to home. I crossed the garden until I reached where the party was being held. I stopped at the entrance to look around. There were plenty of people in the place, nothing else. The shadows had disappeared. It was finally over for me.

As I walked forward, I wiped away the tears that had been shed. I immediately focused my attention on the person who I was most interested in seeing. Then I spotted him, chatting with one of his friends. All kinds of memories are triggered by my mind. From within the moment, I see myself as a different person. I was whole.

I stayed in the same place and watched him from afar. When he saw me, he shook his head, letting me know that he was keeping an eye on me. I smiled at him as I had never done before, and joined the party. Then I grab a glass of wine that one of the waiters carried on their tray and enjoy the first sip.

By the time I finished my glass, I was calm and confident enough to begin chatting with others. After interacting with my kind for quite some time, I went to see my father. While I was watching him, I saw the love I had never seen before. I was blind to not seeing the real him.

As I embraced him, I felt his warmth radiating through my skin. His hug was so warm, and I felt so protected like he was the hero of my childhood. My eyes were red after we finished hugging. Having just woken up, it was impossible to stop crying.

“Is everything okay with you, Moriah? Did anything happen? If you don’t feel OK, we can go, and you won't have to deal with the emotions that are hurting you.”

I nodded, and with that, we started saying goodbye to everyone. It was a pleasant afternoon, and one I will never forget.

On the way, back home, I had been thinking about the French countryside, marvelling at the beauty of its landscape. I was silent, contemplating the scenery. And after spending so much time in that disgusting place, never again will I take my freedom for granted.

I think about moving here, with my father, that will be the best decision ever.

When we got to the house, I got out of the car and looked around, confirming that everything was the same. What surprised me the most is that I spent a horrendous amount of time in that place, and back like nothing had happened.

We went into the house and the first thing my father did was ask me what was wrong with me.

“Moriah, I think the medicine is making you feel ill. If this keeps happening, we will have to change the dose and adjust the toxicity levels, and…” I didn't give him time to finish.

“Don't worry, I'm okay, Dad. The medication didn't have any side effects. There is no reason for me to be worried about it failing, and I can tell you with certainty that we have found a new cure. We have developed a new medicine. Do you know what that means? We will go down in history together.”

My father looked at me suspiciously, but when he saw my enthusiasm, he relaxed and gave me a shy smile, chuckling. Staring at him, and until this moment, I didn't realize how beautiful he looks when he smiles.

“What can I expect, my daughter is a genius.” My father said, unable to help himself.

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