

There was nothing left


“Boss, everything is in the truck, there's nothing left.”

I shook my head as a sign that I heard him. He is a member of the moving staff, and he will deliver my wife's belongings to Gonzalo's house. How could anyone imagine such a thing? Gonzalo Estrada has now become Nora's sponsor. She did it big this time. I am limited in what I can do right now.

“Is there anything else you would like us to take?” My head shook in response. The contents of those boxes are what Nora is allowed to keep. Yet, one more thing needs to be addressed. I reached for my cell phone and dialled my lawyer, connected the first time it rang.

“Mr Erik, how can I be of assistance to you?”

“Rodrigo, the move is about to leave my house. I want you to deliver the divorce papers to Nora, in person. Then you will know how to proceed. You need to remember that they serve as proof for the agreement with Gonzalo, to take effect. Please give me your highest discretion and do it as fast as possible. Understand?”

“Of course, Mr Erik. Count on me.” I ended the call and put my cell phone back in my pocket. Then stayed in Nora's bedroom, or rather, in a room that once was hers. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see it empty. It has been occupied by her for three years since she refused to share mine.

Throughout our marriage, we slept together, until news of my many extramarital affairs became public. As soon as Nora confronted me, I laughed because she thought we were equal. However, that won't happen. As a woman, her whole gender must conform to the needs of the head of the house. This has been the norm since the beginning of time. There will never be an end to the dominance of men over women. Nora would still be mine if Gonzalo hadn't offered me the deal.

In this game, however, you have to be patient if you want to win. She has a lot of confidence, and that is good. Nevertheless, once the heat goes down, nobody will remember it. When that moment comes, I'll strike, and she will pay for each day she is away from me, and It's been a week since I started counting.

However, seeing this empty place, my fury fills me up. How dare she challenge me like this? We would have been happy if she had just accepted our life as it was. There was nothing that she lacked, I provided for all of her needs. Everything, even my love. Yet, that wasn't enough. The woman wanted more but never understood that in this kind of life, you have to lend and borrow. Pretending to have a certain way of life.

We must never expose our reality or true feelings. It is something that I learned since I could see and understand. No one can know what is inside your heart. The risk of it being used against me.

For example, when I was offered several opportunities by associates in order to let them spend a night with Nora. However, I did not. I kept her away from it, overwhelmed by the thought of her being in the arms of others. So, she should be thanking me. But she didn't.

Other wives have to sacrifice for the good of their families. So, it is in our world, that every single one of us needs to contribute something. But not her, not Nora.

Nora, Nora, Nora, enjoy yourself while you can.

As I was leaving, I went into my office, which is located on the ground floor. As I walked past the living room, my mom was reading the newspaper. I haven't seen her much this week. There is anger in her heart about what has happened to my wife.

“You finally let yourself be seen, Mom. I have a feeling that you are trying to avoid me. Here I am if you have something to tell me about. But leave that attitude aside.” I walked over to her and sat across from her on the other side of the couch.

“Son, I'm not hiding, I'm not the one who has done anything wrong. Why did you say that? You say things that don't make sense.”

“I know you so well, Mom, I don't think you know yourself as well as I do.”

My mother watched me, smiling at the words I spoke. I know all the people I spend time with very well, or else I wouldn't let them get close to me, but my mom is a special case.

“It just doesn't make sense to me what you're doing. After destroying your relationship with Nora three years ago, now, you sold it. Erik, what is going to happen? Do you wish to start over? I remind you that you are not twenty years old any more, you are about to turn 34. You seem to believe that you have your whole life ahead of you. There hasn't even been a grandson or granddaughter for me. The way I see it, Erik, I think you are way off the mark. I sometimes think you are waiting for me to die, so you won't have children. But the outcome will be the same if you keep doing this.”

My Mother was so direct, as always. Her words entertain me, more than anything else.

“No, Mother, you won't die soon. When we got married, Nora was very young, and until today, she was unable to accept that Erik Costa was her husband. Can you imagine how it would have gone with a baby in the middle?”

I saw my mom open her mouth before saying, “No, Erik, that's just ridiculous. The baby could have saved everything. As if you had never been born, imagine me. If it wasn't for you, with my bare hands, I would have easily killed your father. Nevertheless, I allowed him to live.”

After I had finished laughing, I turned to my mother, “I haven't heard you joke like that before.” But her face was as stone-cold as if she had truly planned to kill my father. Then, knowing their history, perhaps what she said is true.

Clearing my throat, I push on, “Besides, Mother, when did you ever see me lose?” In an effort to emphasize that I never lose, I shook my head.

“Nonetheless, do not worry, you won't be given a new daughter-in-law because Nora, is and always will be my wife. You know that this is a family legacy. From the age of ten, she was mine. And regardless of what a paper says. Before God, she is and always will be my wife, until death does us part.”

My mom nodded and continued reading her newspaper, letting me know, the conversation was over. In exasperation, I shook my head and stood up. I went straight to my office since my responsibilities could not wait. I will need to take possession of my new territory as soon as possible, and later, I'll think about Nora. Now I need to think about the best way to get rid of the criminal cells. They are already taking too much of my new market.

As soon as I opened my office door, I headed straight for the canteen. After pouring myself a drink, I sat down at my desk. On my computer, I opened the files which contained information about my competition. According to the agreement, this information does not fall within the scope. I received it as a gift from Gonzalo.

Females seem to think they can influence men, which I find amusing. As in this case, manipulating us. Gonzalez is deeply in love with his wife, and yes, I was sure he would do everything he could to protect her. Nevertheless, he is also an intelligent man and knew how to use this situation to his advantage. Taking care of two birds with one stone, as we would commonly say. It was necessary to delegate responsibility for this territory. Of course, there were many other candidates. Yet, he had to appease his wife, and I ended up being the best choice.

Hilda is happy, he's got rid of the competition in his territory, and he has Nora's full respect. However, I know he knows who I am, and staying on bad terms with me is not convenient for him. So, the documents provided to me contain everything about them. All this was collected by the FBI and other rival criminal groups. This is practically priceless. Thus, I will have the opportunity to oversee the operation.

The purpose of this was to keep me away from Nora for at least two years. Knowing that I wouldn't stay away from my wife very long, he added this to the deal. With this arrangement, I gained a step in my criminal career. One more territory has been added to my list. Yet, I have to clean up the rubbish. This was not something Gonzalo was interested in doing. However, I am more than willing to do so.

However, I will continue to pay him 20% of my earnings to cover the cost of trafficking in my new territory. That's how things work in our business. And, In any case, the benefits are incalculable in terms of money, power, and location. This area of the city has become famous because the communication routes connect it to the entire country.

Shipping and distributing my products will be easier with this. In addition, I will charge to allow others to pass through me. They need to pay for this in order to trade. In this regard, it is crucial to subdue my competition, and if that is not possible, to end it. The terms I proposed would be hard to accept. I am actually waiting for a bloodbath, and I am grateful that Nora will not be around for a while because she will not be in danger.

But back to the information, I have on my computer, to understand them in detail, I have to study everything they have and do. I must have an advantage over them. Upon opening the first file, all the information of the founders can be seen. All of them are dead. The ones who succeeded them were mostly their children or close family members. A family business, then. Oriented toward the Italian style of “The family”. However, this is the American way. Therefore, I have a very wide window of opportunity.

The structure of the Italian mobsters is deeply rooted. Despite the leaders being born in here, the bloodline reaches back generations. There was a loss of basic values, and that will be my chance. The break will be quicker for them to break. It won't be easy, but I'm sure I'll get there sooner rather than later. Besides, Gonzalo will support me. Ultimately, it will not be free, but as I have said constantly, everything has a solution.

“The Bastards,” as they are named, is a group I've already come across. We are not strangers to each other. The members, however, have changed.

I remember an altercation my father and I had with this group more than fifteen years ago. Each side suffered a substantial loss. Back then, we did not have the alliances I have now. A good example of this is Gonzalo.

Tony, Frank, and Vinci Lazzaro. These individuals lead this group. According to the information, they are cousins. They were the children of Mariano Lazzaro, Claudio Lazzaro, and Carmelo Lazzaro. All dead, with their sons inheriting the business. And now, the three cousins ​​will have to deal with me, if they want to continue working in my city. Otherwise, let's say, they will have to retire earlier than expected.

I took my mobile out of my pocket and dialled my second.

“Yes, boss?”

“Come to my office, please, as soon as possible. Bring Raul and Daniel with you.”

“Yes, sir, right away.”

I placed my mobile on the desk and continued to read the information.

It wasn't long before Tomás arrived with the boys. Three men stood before me waiting for instructions.

“I have valuable information, and you need to learn it all,” I said to my soldiers as they looked at me anxiously after a long pause. We have been out of trouble for a while now. Therefore, they will surely enjoy this.

“The bastards are currently occupying our territory. It was originally theirs, but now it is ours. We won't be welcomed with open arms, and I'm uncertain if they will be willing to work with us, but it's not likely. I will provide you with the information I have on each of them. This is one of our advantages.”

I pointed at the USB stick in my hand. Power comes from knowledge. I do not deny that they will have theirs. Therefore, we need to develop a takeover strategy before they found out, the territory changed hands. It shouldn't take more than a few days before the news starts flowing like rivers. Knowing the days of peace are over.

“Prepare yourself for war.”


I was in my office when the knock on the door distracted me.

“Come in,” The maid entered, lowering her head in respect.

“Mr Erik, Attorney Lopez is here to see you.” Rodrigo entered my office and sat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I thanked the maid with my head, and she closed the door as she left.

“Rodrigo, what news do you have for me?”

“Erik, good afternoon, I came in person to let you know that I have already done what you asked me to do. These are the documents already certified by the judge. Everything is in order, but yes, anyway, if you want to take a look at them, here you are.”

Upon my desk, he placed the papers. They were not of interest to me. I don't care what they think; whatever they decide, they will never be able to top God. I come from a very religious family, and what is united by God, cannot be separated by man, that's it, end of the story.

In front of me, I have the documents that show I am already a single man. This also means that Nora no longer has my last name. This is what annoys me the most. I know she will never use the maiden name Collins again, so how is she going to go about her life? However, neither did mine, so I'm curious as to how Nora will handle this.

The whole thing reminds me that I have a pending call to make.

“Everything is fine, Rodrigo. There is no need for me to check anything. It's nothing more than a simple requirement. You will have to excuse me, but I have unfinished business to add.”

“Oh, yes! There is one more thing when it comes to properties. You need to let me know when Gonzalo signs the transfer of the rights. Be very aware of what's happening.”

“Of course, Erik, see you later, and have a nice day.” I picked up the phone as soon as Rodrigo left my office in order to make the call I needed to deal with.

“Erik, what a surprise, to what do I owe your kind attention?” Charles, my father-in-law, is always so respectful. This is one of the qualities that I admire about him. He always treats people fairly, especially me.

“Charles, good morning, my call is not good news for you or your wife. I'm sorry to tell you that Nora and I are divorced.”

My news was met with silence, “Charles, do you hear me?”

I listened as Charles cleared his throat and replied, “Erik, this is something I didn't expect to hear. Can you tell me what happened? Because I can't think of something terrible enough that my daughter has done to warrant this action. And where is Nora? Is she still with you? So far, she has not contacted us.”

I pity him, Charles, he sounds worried. “No, she's not with me, and don't worry, Charles. If this hadn't been necessary, Nora would still be with me. This is temporary, I assure you. Nora is my wife and I will continue to care for her despite the divorce, Charles. Your daughter will be watched, and protected, even though she is no longer living in my house.”

“Where is Nora, Erik?”

“You will be surprised by what I am going to tell you, but she is with Gonzalo.”

“WHAT? How is it possible? Why Gonzalo? Is my daughter in danger? Tell me the truth, Erik, why is my daughter with him? Is she there against her will?”

“NO! How dare you say something like that, I would never allow Nora to be in enemy hands. It didn’t happen that way. This is an agreement between Gonzalo and me, which I will explain to you in detail later. But I assure you, Nora is fine, and you don't have to worry. On the other hand, don't expect her to contact you, either. It will never happen, that's why I decided to call you.”

“Tell me when we can meet to discuss this. I'm not happy about what I heard. I didn't think you could break our agreement like this. Furthermore, I need you to give me a good excuse and even a better solution.”

“Charles, I'm busy with some paperwork. As soon as I can, no later than the end of this week, I'll be able to meet with you. Please keep calm.”

“I'll wait for your call, Erik.” After finishing the call, I leaned my head back on the backrest and closed my eyes.

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