
The Confrontation

The king's Agalariept was nervous. Shifting from side to side, shaking his head at the threat before them. His thorny branches were always on guard. Both he and his master were ready. Besides, the lord of evil had his horsemen, many demons, and Alastors at his disposal.

Before the king, the Archangels were expectant, too. Now, what will the king of the underworld do? They wondered.

“Archangel Michael, you honour me with your presence. I thought you wouldn't come to greet me.”

The archangel looked at him coldly, then replied, “That is what I have been wondering about, Armaloth. The dark king would have a reason for being here, wouldn't he? Coming to the holy land? You may say what you wish to say and then leave. You are disturbing the peace of this sanctuary with your presence. Please do not take this the wrong way. It's only a fact.”

“I see! I didn't know you held me in such high regard, Miguel.”

The two opponents stood face-to-face. Although neither of them wanted to give in, Armaloth was here for a reason. Without further ado, he extended his palm in front of him, and the crystal sphere containing the traitors materialized in front of everyone.

With a CLUNK, King Armaloth crushed it, and the demons and holy creatures fell to the ground. Their eyes were fixed on them.

As the Archangel, Michael, surveyed the scene, his concerned gaze was directed towards Armaloth. His dark nemesis also watched him, waiting.

The Archangel Michael walked toward where Nathanael was. Never looked away from his heavenly servant. Power and superiority were evident in his steps. There was no one who dared to stand in his way.

When he reached his faithful servant, he bent down and touched, with the tips of his fingers, his servant’s bruised and dirty cheek.

From Nathanael's eyes, tears began to flow. The mighty Archangel wiped them away and smiled at him. Then picked him up, and carried him as if he were a baby. The heavenly servant hid his face in the neck of his master, absorbing his energy and bathing in his presence. He was now at peace, safe in the arms of his beloved teacher and mentor.

The mighty Archangel went with the other angels, concerned as well, with their hearts pounding for their angelic disciple.

The incomparable Archangel rested his chin on the head of his beloved disciple for the last time, showing him all his love and support before giving it to his brother, Uriel.

Immediately after Uriel received him in his arms, he then turned his gaze toward Miguel, for a brief moment. He shook his head as a sign that he understood what to do.

The mighty, miraculous Archangel formed energy around himself. There was something so bright and warm about this energy that invited all to bathe in it. It was like the embrace of salvation. So much so that all the demons, present, were trembling in fear. They had to avoid the touch of this pure energy at all costs.

The beings of the darkness stepped back, far away from him. Those who couldn't escape in time were enveloped in this incredible energy. In the face of the power of heaven, they were helpless.

Suddenly, the energy started to work. With this light, the lost and damned demons were touched one by one. Where the energy was going, a luminescent trail was left. Gradually, hatred gave way to love, anxiety to peace, and pain to wellness.

The faces of those demons captured by darkness now showed serenity. The Archangel Uriel had the power to destroy the same demonic marrow. End evil.

There was nothing more terrifying than Uriel. As his light touched them, all of them crystallized. Their bodies were transformed into crystal statues, pure. This caused the other demons to flinch, seeking refuge behind his master and lord Armaloth.

The king of the underworld stood in the same place. His evil energy was so strong that even those little flashes of angelic energy were unable to harm him. Even so, he refused to expose himself, so he formed a protective shield in front of him. This would contain the purification of light emanating from the magnificent Archangel.

The great demon saw his demons crystallizing. Causing fear in them, even the bravest of them were shaken by what happened next.

And when the energy did its work, the crystal statues exploded into a thousand pieces, creating a sparkling cloud around them. All their heads were covered in crystal dust.

Armaloth, despite his powers, did not take his eyes off him. He had to be careful with this Archangel because his purifying energy was so powerful, that even he could run the risk of being affected. That truth made him temper with resentment and hatred towards the beings of light.

Archangel Uriel, on the other hand, continued to radiate his holy energy. Nathanael was engulfed by it, and his body, devoid of light, gradually began to be possessed by the spirit of the divine.

His dry guts were once again at peace, his fractured bones began to heal, and his spirit became stronger, despite having been tortured and dejected, while he was locked in the demonic dimension. Evil started to corrupt him, as well as his body. He's been poisoned, hurt, and weakened. The darkness was starting to take ownership of him.

The powerful Archangel Uriel closed his eyes, and his energy stopped emanating from him. Then he carefully lowered Nathanael to the ground. And in a gesture of gratitude and respect, Nathaniel kissed his hand and bowed his head. Afterwards, he turned to his teacher Miguel and went to him.

Being a few centimeters away, Nathanael leaned before his master and touched his feet with his forehead. The mighty archangel smiled, then said, “My faithful Nathanael, get up.”

The grateful angel did that, and face to face, they embraced. Nathanael leaned his head against his master's chest, and let himself be enveloped in his essence. His love was unconditional.

With envy, the demons present viewed this exchange of love and gratitude. They are aware that they will never have this relationship with their master and lord. It was even less likely that the dark Lord would shed a tear for them. Armaloth is consumed by darkness, and so are they all.

At the end of their embrace, the Archangel Michael indicated to his beloved servant to move behind him. And he did it without thinking. As the light beings turned their attention to the demons, their expressions hardened. They had harmed one of their brothers.

“Michael, that angel, has been found in my kingdom. However, that was not all, he was with all these miserable traitors. planning my downfall.” The mighty king points to the demons that were on the ground. The queen and the seven clan leaders and the advisor were cowering on their knees, incessantly asking for forgiveness.

“What is the reason they want to remove you, Dark Lord?” With an intrigued expression, the great archangel replied. The dark Lord laughed loudly and threw his head back.

“Why? You ask me why, Miguel? I'm going to answer you why. For power, that's all we all want, power. Your angel and that demon there.” Armaloth points at the former Queen Drickblood.

“They cursed me to control me and get what they wanted. Your heavenly messenger did that. What I can't understand is how you could even think of stopping me with that little trick.”

Darkness emanated from the evil being, and his ferociousness increased as he remembered what had happened. There was no way to mock the black lord without dying. There is nobody.

The mighty Archangel thought for a moment, and without taking his eyes off Armaloth, he then said in a soft and gentle tone, “Explain to me.” Behind him, his servant Nathanael stepped forward. He clung to his master's side and replied, “My beloved master. It is true what the king of the underworld says.”

The heavenly being Miguel shuddered within, but he never showed it. His face was always steady. On the faces of the other Archangels as well, there was no expression, but their concern about what this immature messenger brought upon himself was great.

“Master, you should know why I did it,” He replied. Miguel nodded, giving him permission to continue.

“I was in the field of wishes. Collecting the following miracles to perform for our followers on earth. Among what I saw, one caught my attention. His desire was so bright and full of pain that I was immediately drawn to it. The message stated clearly and without elaboration, “Please save my daughter. Angels of heaven save her.” When I touched the wish, my heart started to suffer. This person had conveyed his feelings in such a way, that the fervent desire to protect his daughter took root in me. So, I collected the wish along with others, as I always do.”

“That afternoon, I started working on them. And when it was the turn of this wish, I discovered that it was from the faithful Philip Regina. The father of Moriah Regina, the one chosen by the Tree of Knowledge and the Hell King's Agalariept.”

Armaloth's eyes grew wide. In the centuries of his life, he would never have thought this would happen. It was the father of his wife who sent the beings of light to help her. This had nothing to do with power and glory or power, so adamant he believed was driving this angel. He was fulfilling only one of the divine commands to help souls in distress. The angel Nathanael acted completely selfless in this.

“Since I was unable to deny him our help due to my spirituality, so I formed a plan to help her. According to what I saw, everything went according to plan. She is fine now.”

The angel moved his beautiful honey-colored eyes towards his teacher and said, “Forgive me, my graceful lord. I didn't tell you anything because I didn't want you to get involved. It was better for your faithful servant to bear the responsibility and punishment. I wasn't going to let you get involved, master. I love you so much that I will give up everything for your safety. However, I wasn't able to let go of this wish. It got hold of me in a way that I couldn't reject it. I'm sorry, master, forgive me.”

Finally, the stoic face of Archangel Michael turned into one of a surprise because It was hard to keep it up in such a declaration. And surprisingly, the mighty Michael embraced his servant Nathanael.

As the other Archangels approached, they hugged each other. The beings of light exuded such strong emotion that it was a sight to see. Demons were also touched by this. Perhaps the fact that they were in heaven was affecting them.

Eventually, the Beings of Light finished the hug, and Mighty Michael smiled warmly at his disciple, saying, “Silly Nathanael. You are my beloved brother and disciple. I love you just as much as you love me. There was no other choice for you, I understand that. Your spiritual being responded to the supplication of the faithful follower. You did it yourself so as not to put me in danger and avoid a confrontation with higher powers. Nathanael, you are brave, my beloved.”

After looking at his heavenly brothers, the Archangel nodded, agreeing on the next steps to be taken.

“King of the underworld, my servant had no choice. So are the rules in heaven, and you know it. We place the lives and souls of humans above all else. There is no reason for you to attack him. I think the time Nathanael spent in that horrible dimension was enough punishment for him in any case. Now I suggest you restore order in your kingdom. Your house is dirty, and it needs to be cleaned. Go in peace with the grace of god, Armaloth, king of the underworld.”

Armeloth was speechless. His mouth fell open almost. It all made no sense to him now. The father of his chosen one was the culprit of all this. He also understood that the heavens were within their right to assist souls in need. He was also subject to this because that was the pact that the heavens had agreed to it with Lucifer. This will ensure the order.

Armaloth was filled with resentment and helplessness, and without wasting more time, he created a portal that would lead to his kingdom. All of his demons were absorbed by the hurricane-force winds that it generated. But before disappearing, he looked one more time at the Archangels, cursing them for being them.

Within seconds, everyone was transported to the underworld. The four horsemen of the apocalypse, Thanatos, the traitorous demons, and the mighty lord were brought back to the throne chamber.

His Majesty ascended to his throne and took his place. Its thorny branches instinctively beckoned to him.

Once seated, the god of the underworld watched the demons lying on the ground. They were all going to suffer eternally.

With all of his strength, he laughed. He couldn't believe it himself. All watching him, expecting terror at any moment. Armaloth stopped laughing without taking his eyes off the traitors. His face became the nightmare of thousands.

“All you were naive, look how easily you were deceived by a divine messenger.” He laughed out loud again, unable to control himself.

“Stupid traitorous demons, from now on, you all will crawl, without being able to stand up again. As well, all of you will be condemned to suffer in the land of fire for eternity. You will be an example for others who think they can defeat the great Armaloth.”

Drickblood caught his attention now. Her shoulders shrugged as much as she could, thinking that the king would feel pity for her. Yet, the king spared no one.

Armaloth stretched out his arm and opened his hand. As if blown away like paper, Drickblood flew towards him. The king grabbed her by the neck and put his face inches from hers.

“For you, Dickblood, I have a different destiny. You, who dared to wear Persefore's crown, you who dared to get into my bed, and used me to hurt my kingdom and my destiny. I have a surprise for you.”

Armaloth raised his other arm, and black energy emitted from it. It was getting bigger and bigger, then he threw it in the centre of the throne chamber once it no longer fit in the palm of his hand.

As the ball of energy kept growing, it reached the ceiling, and from it, you could hear sounds that terrified even the bravest.

The four horsemen stood guard. The traitorous demons begged the god of darkness for mercy, and the former Queen, she could only scream and cry.

Within this ball of light, in the centre, an imposing and frightening figure was coming to life. A gigantic paw was first seen, then an animal's snout with fangs the size of a human arm. One of The Cerberus heads emerged from the black cloud, then another, then the other.

The devil dog howled, causing the throne chamber to rumble. Everyone was shocked at the vision in front of them, fearing their deaths.

The Cerberus came out of the energy ball and looked at everyone who was present. But his eyes fiercely fixed on only one figure. Then, the hell dog took a few steps toward Drickblood.

She, who was cornered and trembling in one of the corners, as if she could disappear, she begged the Cerberus not to take her away. Her pleas fell on deaf ears because the Cerberus opened his jaw, and between its hideous, pointed fangs, lifted the vampire from the ground. Not totally resigned to her fate, from the snout of the diabolical dog, she kept asking her king to forgive her.

The Cerberus turned and entered the energy ball again, disappearing, taking Drickblood with him, forever.

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