
  How much more will it take to get home?


I was still lost, it was obvious. I had no idea where I was going, but my excuse was that I have never been to this place, or known what is there. There is nothing that can guide me to know whether I am going in the right direction or not. I want to cry, frustrated. I had to go to a high place, in that way, it would give me an idea of ​​where

I was. I turned to see the plastic bag in my hands, with the remains of the roasted rabbit, that will last me another day. And I knew that catching it had only been a stroke of luck. Worms weren't an option. The only thing I could do was find my way out of there. If I were lucky, I would find a village. I was certain that someone there could help me.

But the difficult thing was to find it. The path I was on was full of rocks, it was taking me longer than I thought. Fortunately, I had this pair of boots. I appreciate so much the moment those hunters crossed my path. If I ever see them, I'll return everything I steal from them.

As I was avoiding the rocks, a strong wind blew, pushing me straight towards a pointed one that was in front of me.

“AAAA, Ouch!” I fell to my knees. The pain began to travel all over my leg, all the way to the tip of my big toe. I turned to take my weight off the affected area and brought my leg to my chest.

My knee hurts a lot. Slowly, I rolled my pants up, intending to see what had happened to me. Immediately, I watched blood spill down my calf. No, it is not possible. This couldn't have happened to me right now. Alone and without help, I was exposed to everything, and now with a wound, my problems multiplied.

I finished removing the fabric, and I saw how practically the tip of the stone had made a nest in my skin. My tears were still spilling unintentionally because the pain was so sharp that I felt it throughout my leg. Without Leaf with me, I couldn't heal.

“Leaf, please help me, if you're listening, come to my aid.”

I had to clean the wound, and even so, I ran the risk of getting infected. I looked around, but I didn't see anything that would be of use to me. The only thing I had left was to bandage myself using the same fabric as the pants and go on my way. After cleaning it as best I could, I stood up and began to walk. It was getting dark again, sick of my situation. I began to walk slowly with a limp. Not only that, but I still had to dodge the stones that were in the way. This made everything more difficult.

The wind began to blow again, and this time I made sure to be forewarned. This forest seemed to have a life of its own and was playing games with me. As I walked down the cobblestone path, I glanced at the plants and trees around me. The branches flapped from side to side, making noises that filled me with dread. Quicken my pace, I speed up, needing to get out of there as soon as possible. Now I understand why they call this forest the cursed forest. It could kill you just out of fright.

The road seemed to have no end, and the wind was getting more and more violent. The trees swayed uncontrollably on all sides. Terrified, I turned to look around me, and it seemed as if the branches were reaching out to me. Despite my injury, I ran. The desperation to get out of there made me stumble several more times. My hands were scraped, and I was in pain all over the place.

The wind seemed to be chasing me. I felt it whisper terrible things in my ear. “Leaf, Leaf.” Scream with all my might. I knew she wouldn't answer me, but even so, I kept insisting.

I kept running with all my strength left, and in the distance, I noticed that the stone path was about to end. Staggering and without strength, I managed to reach the end.

In front of me, appears to be a type of entrance. And this one was surrounded by intertwined branches without meaning. Giving the aspect as if this were the entrance to hell. I could not go there. Without taking my eyes off it, I took a few steps back. But the noises that followed me were closer. Fearfully, I turned back. Saliva caught in my throat, and I felt like I was choking. The tree branches were closing in on me.

I could feel the evil in them, my eyes were crystal clear because of the amount of fear that I was feeling. My heart was leaking out of my chest. I felt death approaching, and without thinking about what I was doing, I threw myself forward, towards the mouth of hell. I fell on my face, my mouth filled with dirt. And when I looked up, I hear a SWISH. Immediately, I stood up and watched as the intertwined branches at the entrance of this cave closed completely. Leaving me in darkness.

The silence was such that only my sobs were all that were heard. It was completely in darkness. I decided to stay on the floor because the immense fear that I had did not allow me to move. Even though everything was dark, I still tried to look around for something. A light, flash, whatever. But I didn't see anything. What was I going to do now?

I lay there, getting into a fetal position, crying. What did I do to deserve all this? Why was my life falling apart? Until a few days ago, I was the happiest woman in the world. Now, I'm hurt, cold, and alone.

“Kael, my love, I need you now more than air. Kael, come and get me, I miss you so much.”

“Leaf, where are you? Come to me, I can't do it alone.”

What happened to her while I was buried is something that I can't imagine?

Why did I come back to life, but she didn't? “If you are with me still, I do not feel you. Tell me what to do to get you back, Leaf, tell me.”

The darkness that surrounded me and the extreme fatigue made my eyes slowly close, lulling me into a dream I never wanted to have dreamed of.

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