
   I have no choice


I can't resist any more. The need to see my mate is overwhelming. This urge to go to her and tell her that everything will be fine is strong. I know that she is suffering because of our separation. I am not better. This emptiness that I have is growing more and more. Wind is out of control too. His grief is immense. All he wants is to destroy. He is turning into a Wild Wolf.

And I'm afraid that what I'll have to do will send him straight to the abyss. But Conrad told me that it was the best solution at the moment. And as soon as things cool down, and the council is satisfied, only then, I can get Brid out and prove her innocence. What I am going to do is dangerous; however, it is certainly for the best. Brid cannot die in that place. It doesn't matter what she has done. I will not let them hurt her, she is and will be my mate. Regardless of whether another occupies her place temporarily. That sacrifice I would have to do to save her.

I closed my eyes, remembering what, several days ago, Conrad and I talked about.

Alpha, the council is waiting for your answer. They think it is pointless that you will wait to take a new mate until Brid's trial is carried out.” I hit the table with my fist and got up from the chair.

I will not take another mate, not now or ever. Brid is my mate, and that bond that unites us can never be broken. She will always be in my mind as well as, I in hers.

Yes, I understand you Kael, but think about this for a moment. If you agree to that, you will get rid of the council and leave Brid's case alone. Analyze what this means. Without them pushing, the path is free to let us act without them getting in the way or suspecting something.”

Still, that would be a cheap blow if Brid found out. I could lose her forever. I have to exercise caution and make this work in my favour.”

This is how you must think, friend, furthermore, this will be temporary. No one should know what happens between you and the new Luna. If you want to stay faithful to your mate, it is fine. I’m only giving you options. There is a lot to pull from. Just keep your goal, and don't lose sight of it. While all this happens, we will continue investigating. The guys haven't left surveillance on that pair for a second.”

Thank you, Conrad, and whatever you see or hear, please let me know right away. The faster we untangle this mess, the sooner I can have my mate back.”

One more thing, Conrad, when are they planning the selection of the new Luna?”

Kael, Simon, told me that the candidates are ready. In total, there are ten, and are you going to be amazed to know who applied?”

I assume they're the daughters of the wolves leading the council.”

You are correct, Kael, but there is one more. The new heroine of the pack.”

The new heroine? I have no idea who you're talking about.”


What ?? That is not possible, why her?”

It is easy. She exposed your mate's betrayal, so the pack thinks she will be the next Luna.”

Be careful what you say, Conrad. Brid is still Luna and my mate.”

Excuse me Kael, you're right, I stepped out of the line. However, this can be very beneficial for you. With Fatima close by, it will be easier to discover if she is hiding something. As the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.”

I opened my eyes, feeling an immense weight on my chest. I would rather not do this; however, it is the best thing I can do at the moment to save Brid's life. With this, the council can sentence her to hard labour at most. However, her life would not be compromised. I'd have time to get to the bottom of this.

I got up from my chair and went to my room. As I entered, I felt the emptiness that Brid's absence left behind. My mate, how I would like to know what actually happened, that way I would know what to do. Even having a new Luna, Brid would continue to be my mate, and the bond that unites us goes beyond this life.

I turned to look at the bed, and I couldn't stop my thoughts. My sweet mate lying down, ready for me. Giving me that look that drives me crazy.

My Alpha, I've been waiting for you. Your mate needs you.” Brid spread her legs, showing me her excitement. All that is because of me. My mouth watered. The blood of my entire body went directly to the part of me that was growing more and more, as I saw what was between her legs. Without any further thought, I began to undress, until I was completely naked as my mate. I walked to the bed, got on, and crawled toward her. My mate spread her legs wider, making room for me. My heart was beating with pure joy to see the love that Brid felt for me.

Coming back to reality, the loneliness I felt at that moment was total. But one thing became clear to me at the time. My mate loved me more than anything in the world, and she couldn't have done what Toni and Fátima claim.

Since I met her, it has always been me before her eyes. I should have seen it before. Brid is innocent, and not for a minute should I have doubted her. Even though I don't feel her, I can't access her thoughts. Should have always been clear to me. My mate would never betray me, now I see everything clear, I should never have doubted her.

I have a new purpose, to clear the name of my mate and bring her back home. Where she belongs, with me in our bed.

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