
 Tomorrow is the day


“There was a time when he blamed you for Leaf's disappearance. His desolation made him aggressive. I couldn't afford to lose control and give way to him in those conditions. He could have hurt you. The day we found you in the forest, Wind saw no reason for anything. He just wanted to punish you. That is true, I can't lie. That's why I couldn't get close to you, even though it was what I wanted the most.” I squeezed Brid's hand tighter. “Forgive me mate. Forgive me.” Brid swallowed.

“And in the cell?” Her question made me straighten my back. Remembering what I saw made me grind my teeth. Wind began to emerge from deep within me, hurt. I didn't have time to hold him back. My fangs lowered, and my skin gave way to fur. The magnificent Alpha Wolf was in front of my mate, and I was afraid of what he might do if he still thought Brid had something to do with Leaf's disappearance.

Wind spent a few seconds watching her, analyzing all. She turned sideways, uncomfortable with so much intensity. She reached out her hand, trying to feel me, but the one she felt was Wind. When Brid felt his fur, she stilled herself and retracted her hand. She lowered her head and uncovered her neck. I could see the heavy breathing of my mate, as well, the smell of her fear permeated the air.

Wind walked up to her and sniffed her. He didn't leave a place untouched. When he was satisfied, he went to her face and began to lick her. I could see that the tension in Brid disappeared the moment Wind's tongue touched her. He did not detect any foreign essence engraved in her. My wolf was pleased.

When he finished showing his affection, Wind sniffed around my mate and began to mark his territory. The legs of the bed came first, and then he followed with the door. The pungent odour could be smelled everywhere. My mate opened her nostrils, smelling the obvious, but said nothing. The wolf didn't care either, and when he finished, he went to lie beside Brid, on the bed.

I noted her tension, but ultimately, she reaches to him and strokes his fur shyly. None of them moved until Brid fell asleep. I observed this scene through the eyes of the wolf. Brid's face looked so peaceful, and Wind's violent emotions subsided instantly. This is what I have to fight for. For Brid and Leaf, for Wind, and for me. For our future together. I also rested that night, no pain or anguish disturbed my sleep. The last time I slept like this was when I held Brid in my arms the day before it all started.


“Alpha, I couldn't find him. Toni disappeared yesterday. He outwitted our vigilance. His traces, we cannot detect it. Apparently, he realized that we were following him.” I hit my fist on the desk and stood up violently.

“Damn, how is it possible? And where is Fatima?”

“We have her in custody, no one has found out yet. We make sure to do it with the greatest possible discretion.” Conrad replied.

“I need that pair locked up in cells. Look for him, and don't come back without finding him.” I sat back in my chair and leaned my elbows on the desk holding my face.

“Calm down, Kael, we will find him. We are not going to let them get away with it. After what you told us, those wolves must die.”

Although his words of support encouraged me, I was enraged and out of control. That traitor and murderer is free, and until we find him, Brie won't be safe.

I closed my eyes, remembering the conversation I had with her this morning.

The next morning, I woke up with my mate in my arms. During the night, Wind gave me the reins and I transformed into a human. I didn't realize it until I woke up to the incredible smell of Brid on my nose. Noticing that she was already awake, I turned my face towards hers and I kissed her slowly. I needed my mate more than ever because the hunger I had for her was getting insatiable.

This separation was costing me a lot of my sanity, but after a few seconds, I felt her lips responding in the same way as mine. Shy at first, but our kiss progressed and soon turned into a torrent of passion. I turned her over by putting her under me, and we resumed the kiss. I tasted her sweet lips that tasted like honey. My mate ran her hand all over my side until she reached my buttocks.

Hard, I was so hard for her. Brid spread her legs to give me space, and I wasted no time. The first contact made me see stars. Only my mate had this effect on me. Her moans of pleasure made my blood boil. Brid wrapped her legs around my waist, looking for more contact. She received my thrusts with her own. We went to heaven several times, and still, my hunger for her hasn't been sated yet. Unfortunately, it was time for him to return to Earth.

My mate and I stayed in bed naked, enjoying our company. I have wanted to ask her for a long time what happened in the forest that day. I wanted to hear it from Brid's mouth, so I mustered up the courage and asked, “What happened that day with Toni and Fatima?”

I felt her tense immediately, but she took a deep breath and began by explaining everything. From the moment Toni summoned her the day before, until the moment she woke up buried. My heart was torn to hear it from her lips. Everything seemed worse than what I had seen when Salima showed it to me. The pain that Brid expresses in every word is evident.

“Forgive me, mate. I was not there to protect you. As well, I wasn't there to save you from Simon, either. I swear to you, I didn't know anything. Conrad only told me that he would take care of you. But I never thought he meant revenge. I swear to you, Brid, he's paying now for what he did to you. And as for those two, they will regret messing with the Luna of Ghost Fang.”

Hugging my mate, I started to kiss her head several times. She was crying on my chest. Her tears should be of happiness only. But I will see to it that it is so from now on.

I opened my eyes with steely determination. Tomorrow is the full moon, and I'll make sure Brid is freed from that curse. I only beg fate to return Leaf to us. That is why I have to find that traitor. As long as I don't get rid of them, Brid could still be in danger.

“Conrad, please send David and Christopher to watch over my house. Luna Amanda must be in a meeting with the council. Don't say anything to anyone. This must be a secret until Salima destroys the curse. Take Anthony with you, and any clue that leads us to Toni, please let me know through the link immediately.” 

My gaze focused on the pink rabbit on my desk. Tomorrow is the day. May destiny be with us.

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