


When I made sure that Brid would be okay with her friends, I headed to the door. Conrad was waiting for me outside, along with Christopher and Matthew.

“Alpha,” they all three said at the same time. I closed the door of my house, and we headed to my office, which was a few blocks from here.

“Conrad, have David stand guard outside my house when I'm not there. Nothing can go wrong.”

I watched as he mind-linked him, and after a few seconds, “Ready, Alpha, he's on his way.”

After five minutes, we reached our destination. But before entering, I caught Amanda's scent. Unfortunately, this was not the time to call her out for her boldness. That will have to wait because the quicker I see what she's doing here, the quicker I can finish the pending business.

I opened my office door and there she was, sitting on my chair. The Alpha's chair, to be exact. Amanda's eyes lit up when she saw me, and a smile formed on her lips. Looking at her right now, I noticed that nothing she was or had attracted me. Absolutely nothing.

Amanda got up from my chair and came around my desk to greet me. I passed her and sat down. Conrad and the others stood in front of me.

“Good morning, Luna,” Conrad said dryly. The others only bowed their heads in respect.

“Hey, guys, what are our plans for the day ahead? I've been trying to get up to speed on handling the finances, but it would be better if someone could explain it to me directly.”

Yes, Amanda our Luna now. I had forgotten that she would be responsible for the administration.

“Amanda, today is not a good day to catch up with it. Next week, I will have David help you get acquainted with finances. I think that's all for now. When you leave, please close the door.”

Her disbelieving expression said it all. “What am I going to do all this week, then? There must be something I can do.” I kept thinking, and luckily, something came to me. “Yes, there is something.”

“Whatever, tell me.” Hope returned to her eyes as her face filled with excitement.

“Today, tomorrow, and the next day, the rubbish collection brigade is at work. Make sure that everything is recycled before taking it to be processed. You can start by helping them check that all the waste is classified correctly.”

I lowered my gaze and began to accommodate some documents that were on the desk.

“Alpha,” I looked up to see what Conrad wanted. He nodded, and I noticed where he was pointing. Amanda was still here, and I wondered what else she could possibly need. I looked at Amanda for a few seconds, then I said, “Yes, Amanda? Do you need anything?”

Her mouth formed a thin line, and her eyes looked uncomfortable. I didn't know what her problem was. However, I then remembered something important.

“Before you leave, I want to tell you that my mate has guests. I don't want them to be interrupted for any reason at all.” I stared into her eyes, measuring her reaction, but she immediately looked down and nodded. She turned around and without another word left my office.

Finally, now to the issues that matter. “I want to know what happened to Toni, the murderer.” I looked at my wolves one by one, hoping they would give me good news.

Matthew was the first to speak. “Alpha, Toni disappeared without a trace. We couldn't find any prints or scents. Nothing. That led us to the conclusion that he had help.” My eyes widened, and I began to clench my fists.

“Help, from whom?” My voice began to sound like growls.

But Matthew was not intimidated, as he continued. “We think the witch who helped him had something to do with getting rid of his tracks. Other than that, there is no explanation. He vanished.”

“ARRR,” I smashed my fist on my desk. “Witches again. Salima assured me that she would take care of her sister.” How can I trust her? So, what if she betrays us in the end? They are witches, after all. They don't have to be loyal to us. However, I don't think Salima would be willing to risk breaking the pact. Then, an idea came to my mind. I got up immediately and looked at Conrad with intensity.

“Fatima.” He looked at me strangely.

“Fatima, what? What's wrong with her?”

“She must know something.” Conrad's eyes sparkled, and his brain began to work. He nodded and said, “We can't waste any more time then, she's in the dungeon. You are absolutely right Kael, Toni didn't do everything by himself. She was with him step by step, planning everything. She must know who the witch is helping them.”

I nodded, “Let's go,” That was all I said before heading towards the door. Conrad is following close behind. We walked out of my office and Anthony was at his desk. He looked at us expectantly as he turned. I said as I stood in front of him, “If someone comes looking for me, I am not available. But don't tell them I'm not here, do you understand me?”

David nodded, “Understood, Alpha.” When I was about to leave the building, I remembered something. I went back to where Anthony was and said, “David is guarding my mate. Anything, please let me know through the mind-link.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Wasting no more time, Conrad and I walked out of the building and headed for the car park. I unlocked my car, and Conrad and I got in. After powering it up, we were heading towards the dungeon within seconds. The trip was relatively brief, and that was a good thing because I was eagerly awaiting to face Fatima. I was curious about why they betrayed Brid. I couldn’t think straight. 

The love of my life was hurt that way, and I had one of the culprits. The other one was missing, but not for long. It was time to take control of this situation and avenge my mate. She will never be alone again in any circumstance because I will always be with her. Step by Step.

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