
  The most beautiful wolf I had ever seen


Wind raised his muzzle skyward and howled. The knees of those close to us buckled. My wolf's strength had doubled in a matter of seconds. I could feel the enormous power going through every cell in my body. At that moment, my mate's body began to transform. Her clothing cracked, and her bones began to shape in other forms. Fur the colour of the moon began to cover her surface. And finally, the most beautiful wolf that my eyes had admired was in front of me.

She was small but strong at the same time. Wind and I feel her power. My mate bowed her head in submission, and Wind howled again. His scream of triumph echoed in every corner of the place. Wasting no more time, he trotted over to her, surrounding her, tattooing all of her in our memory. His snout tasted the smell of our mate.

She dropped to the floor, rolling, with her belly exposed to my eyes. My mate was giving herself to us. Wind moved closer to her until he reached her neck. He sniffed her and licked her several times in the same spot. And without giving notice, he took the skin between his canines, biting hard. My mate let out a groan of pain and began to shake her head, trying to break free from Wind's jaw. But he did not allow it. My wolf puts a paw on my mate's chest, preventing her from moving. Wind never released his bite, piercing our mate, marking her forever.

My mate stood still, obeying his new Alpha and mate. Wind released her and wiped the blood away with his tongue. My mate was panting. At that moment, one of her friends approached, trying to help her. It was the boy wolf in human form. Wind, seeing him, showed his teeth and growled fiercely. The wolf fell to his knees, exposing his neck. My mate was still lying on the floor. She would not move from there until her Alpha gave her permission.

Contemplating all this, from my position, I couldn't believe it. We just marked our Mate. And neither she nor I could do anything to stop this. Now, what am I going to do? Only one thing was obvious in my head, I was not going to leave my mate for anything. She had been already ours, and no human or wolf was going to stop me. The law of the wolves so establishes it. She was for me, as I was for her.

Going back to the present, where will my mate be? She told me she had something to do early in the morning. It's already nine, and I haven't heard from her. Once I had finished my to-dos for the day, I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. All that paperwork stunned me, and a good TV show would relax me.

Midway through the show, I felt like the oxygen was being sucked out of my lungs. I bend forward, grabbing my stomach. Wind began to howl within me. His howls were desperate and full of pain. My head began to spin. Something was very wrong. I felt like my chest was bleeding, something in there had been ripped away, leaving the place empty.

I fell to my knees on the floor, holding my head. “No, No. Brid.” That was my last thought before collapsing unconscious on the ground.


“Alpha, Alpha, wake up, wake up.” What's that? I hear voices in the distance. Charly? Yes, I think it's him. I heard how the door opened with a bang.

“Conrad, it's good that you are here. I found the Alpha lying on the floor. What do we do?”

I heard footsteps approaching me, and then I felt someone shaking my shoulder and calling my name.

“Kael, wake up, what happened to you? Kael, Kael.” That's Conrad, I could identify his voice even if I was deaf.

“Did you call the doctor, Charly?”

“Yes, beta, he said he was on his way. I don't think it will take too long, now.”

“Come on, help me to move him to the couch,” Conrad said.

Charly and Conrad put me on the sofa, but I still couldn't open my eyes. Something kept them closed. It is as if Wind has closed completely to me, withdrawn to the confines of my mind. I heard the door again, and this time it was the doctor.

“Doctor, I found Alpha lying on the floor. I do not know what happened.”

“Don't worry boy, I'm here, and I assure you that the Alpha will recover in one more second. I guarantee it.”

The doctor started checking me, feeling his hands everywhere. After a few minutes, the doctor stopped and asked, “Where is Luna?”

Mate, I want to see her. Where is Brid? Wind, where you are? I need you. We need to find Brid. Something is wrong with her, I can feel it. Wind, Wind.

“I don't know, doctor, and you, Conrad? Did Alpha tell you something about Luna?”

“No, Alpha didn't mention anything to me about Luna. We only elaborated on matters related to the pack,” Conrad expressed concern in his voice.

“You need to find her right away. The Alpha is exhibiting the usual symptoms of losing his mate.”

Hearing those words, Wind rises violently from within me, I opened my mouth and let out a shuddering scream. Wind was calling his mate, demanding her presence.

“Easy, Alpha, easy. We will take care of finding Luna. I swear we will find her wherever she is.”

I heard Conrad say. But Wind didn't understand any of this. My body began to transform. Those around me were trying to contain me and prevent me from doing it. Struggling like this, until I felt a cold liquid run through my veins. My body began to change to human again, and my thoughts calmed down until I knew nothing more about myself.

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