
 The time is coming


This dungeon is apart from the community. We keep the dangerous prisoners away from the pack. I would rather not mix criminals and the local population. Moreover, only in this part of the forest was I able to build these ultra-secure facilities. No one can gain access except by my fingerprint. The most dangerous criminals are here, so more security was implemented.

I slowed down and parked in the driveway. The place is underground. There are no windows, and there is only one way out, the same as going in. The safety of my pack comes first. I couldn't afford to leave these criminals near the community. These were highly dangerous criminals, and not only werewolves but other magical creatures too.

Conrad and I approached the door. This one had a security panel that only my fingerprint could activate. I scan my thumb, and the door opens automatically. The musty smell hit me in the face immediately, and without wasting any more time, we entered, with Conrad on my heels.

The lights came on due to the sensor detector, giving the site a gloomy aspect. In the distance, we could hear moans and screams. The air is heavy and the aggressiveness of these criminals can be appreciated in the air. Wind began to stir. I have to get this done quickly before he decides to go out and visit our guests.

My mate will never set foot here. Wind would not allow it. He and I wouldn't expose Brid's safety by bringing her here. It doesn't matter that the cells are maximum security, anything could happen.

I nodded to Conrad to show me where they had put Fatima. He nodded and stepped forward. I followed him.

We walked along the corridor, and I couldn't help but see our prisoners. Many of them have been here for years. According to the agreements signed by our ancestors, it is how we judge. Vampires, wolves, witches. Foes, even demons.

“There,” Conrad's voice made me turn to where he was pointing at. I took a few more steps and peeked through the bars. Fatima was sitting on the floor with her head leaning against the wall and her eyes closed.

Instinctively, she opened them. Immediately, she dropped to her knees and began to tremble. She looked up at me, then said, “Alpha, please get me out of here. I beg you. What did I do to deserve this?”

I gritted my teeth listening to her. After all, how dare she keep lying? Wind was angry, and his anger was starting to show. Fatima lowered her head and placed her forehead on the ground. “Sorry Alpha, don't hurt me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.”

“SILENCE,” I yelled with all my might. The place went completely silent, even the demons stopped. Fatima trembled in front of me, on the ground. I could see the sweat trickling down her neck. “Open the gate, Conrad.” He did as he was told. I walked in and stood in front of her, looking at her from above for a few seconds. I couldn't feel anything for this wolf but contempt and disgust.

“Why did you do it? She always gave you everything. Why did you and that bastard betray her?” I waited a few seconds for her response, but she continued to shake uncontrollably.


I yelled at her with resentment, even my saliva came out with each word I said. Fatima gave a cry of terror, but she still couldn't speak. I reached down and grabbed her hair, making her lift her head. Her terrified, tear-filled eyes focused on mine. I was certain that what she saw was Wind.

“A-alpha, it was Toni, I swear. That was his idea. He has always been in love with Brid. But after so many years of waiting for her to notice him, his resentment consumed him. All he wanted was to kill her. He told me that if he didn't see her any more, he could breathe again. H-he said that the pain of seeing her with you was killing him slowly. And his only way out of that pain was to kill her.”

My stomach burned from the hatred I have against this pair. Her words were only an excuse to commit murder. With her hair still in my fist, I threw her towards the wall. She fell to the ground with a HUFF. Fatima shook her head to come to her senses. With terror, she lifted her head to see me. I approached her very slowly, and once I got to where she was, I crouched down.

My eyes were at her level, looking at her straight in the eye, then, I said, “You're going to tell me everything you know. Your life has come to an end, but how you die, is up to you.”

Her eyes did not stop shedding tears, but she nodded. I got up and took a few steps back. “Start.”

“One day Toni came to me. His behaviour was unusual. He seemed like a new person. His eyes shone with a different determination. And when he told me his story, I understood him because all my life I have known the feelings he harboured for Brid. Always, Bride. Whatever she touched, it seemed to turn into gold. She had it all, even you. Since the first time I saw you that day, I have never turned to see anyone. You are all I think about, day and night. All I wanted was for you to belong to me, see me.”

She sobbed as she told her story. What Fatima was saying did not surprise me. I always knew that she developed feelings for me. It was unmistakable from the way she behaved when I was around. Always nervous, looking at me out of the corner of her eye. She never missed an opportunity to hang around when my mate and I were out on a date.

But I could never have imagined that she would go this far. As I listened to her, the next thing she said chilled my skin.

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