
 You'll have to rescue her


I do not know what Salima did, but Brid is suspended mid-air, unconscious. My heart almost stopped in fear when I saw her lose consciousness. Then I turned to see Salima, but she was in a trance, with her eyes blank, and her hands clasped on her stomach. Furthermore, her hair fluttered wildly around her, a terrified sight.

I looked around and there was no one, only the three of us. That wasn't Okay with me. I should have brought backup in case something happened. I looked at Brid again, and her face showed no expression. Desperately, I wanted to know what was going on with her. My concern only increased as time passed.

I was debating whether to wake up Salima, so she would tell me what was going on, or let happen whatever she was doing. If I did that, I would risk distracting her and causing something bad to happen. Looking at this scenario, I have no other option, but to wait.

I saw my mate again, and this time I managed to see her features contort slightly. During all these years with her, I have learned to recognize every single of her expressions, and this one wasn't placid, something was bothering her. The only thing that came to mind was fear. How could I have allowed this? My mate is alone, I don't know where, and I can't do anything to help her.

The minutes passed and everything was the same. I began to walk from one side to the other, laying my eyes on my mate and Salima. I intended to spot anything strange that might happen, but I was vigilant.

An hour had passed approximately, and nothing has changed. The anxiety I had was making the waiting very difficult. I feared the worst for Brid. Another hour or so, passed, and my nerves were about to explode. Not knowing what to do and even if I could help was rendering me useless. But deep down, I knew I couldn't intervene.

A few more minutes passed, and I noticed that Salima was regaining consciousness. Her eyes widened suddenly, and her hair calmed down. She released her hands and lowered herself to the ground. I wasted no time and ran towards her.

“What happened? How is Brid?” I stared at her, with my eyes full of uncertainty but also hope, waiting for her answer. She did nothing, but looked at me, silently.

“Tell me, Salima, where is Brid?” My temper was rising, and at the same tie, my heart was breaking, fearing the worst. The anger and frustration I was feeling were gaining ground over my sanity.

“TELL ME.” The roar that came out was powerful and commanding and could have been heard from miles. Salima blinked and took a deep breath. She never showed her emotions, always showing her blank face, but now, seeing her up close, I noticed that she was dismayed. That scared me too much. It was as if I had received a bucket of icy water on my head.

“Alpha, Brid is trapped inside her mind. It is a remote place like her wolf is. It is so far away that no one can reach them. I did my best to find a way in, but the witches did not act without thinking. They knew where to hide her consciousness, her wolf's. Sorry, Alpha, I can't get to her.”

No, no, no. I grabbed my hair, pulling it in desperation. “No, No, you promised, you said you knew what you were doing.”

I approached her threateningly, grabbing her by the collar of her blouse, and shaking her. She vanished into thin air and appeared several meters away from me. My eyes began to redden from the fury building inside me. I was about to let go of Wind to finish her because, without Brid by my side, nothing would make sense.

As my fangs were descending, Brid's words rang in my head non-stop. “Promise me Kael, promise me.” I would have to kill her with my bare hands. She made me promise. No, No, No.

But Salima spoke, “Alpha, do not fall into despair, since there is still something we can do to bring her back.”

I blinked my tears away at her words, birthing hope again. I approached her with my fangs out, and my hands and feet turned into claws. From the fury I was feeling, my eyes were red. But Salima did not move from her place, watching me, only approach. When I got to where she was, I stood in front of her with my ragged breath hitting her in the face. Half human and half beast, I told her, “Speak,”

She nodded, without cutting our mental fight through our eyes, then she said, “You and Wind are the only ones who can rescue her. My power is not enough to reach the confines of her mind. Calandria is a very cunning witch.”

My euphoria subsided upon hearing her, “What? How? How can I do that?”

My mind couldn't conjure up a single logical thought, but if she saw an option, I will do anything.

“That's right, Alpha, the connection you have with your fated mate can give you the weapons to achieve it. I have the power to send you into her mind, but only you will have the ability to find her. You just have to follow your heart, and trust in your guts, then, you will be capable of finding her. Wind will have to do the same with Leaf. But you will have to separate yourself from him, while you are in Brid's mind. You will be a simple human, and your wolf will be a simple wolf looking for his mate. You will be in danger if any of them detect you. But you can trust in me Alpha, that the moment you are ready and call me, I will bring all of you back.”

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. If that's what I have to do to save Brid, I'll do it without hesitation. I nodded my head without saying anything else. Salima closed her eyes and opened them suddenly. “Alpha, one more thing. Calandria and her group feed on pain and suffering. Brid is probably being mentally tortured by them. She will be confused and scared. And she won't even know what the reality is. Your mission is to wake her up, and as soon as she does, and Wind returns to you with Leaf, that's when you have to summon me. Alpha, don't waste any time, as their powers increase with every single minute that passes. You and your mate could be damaged by them beyond repair.”

A powerful sense of determination surged upon me. Salima realized that and nodded. She took a few steps back, then I said, “I'm ready.”

Her eyes turned blank and she began to levitate. Her hair took on a life of its own, fluttering around her, expelling magic through it. Suddenly, I felt as if I was being sucked into a centrifuge, thereafter, everything went black.  

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