
 My fears 


I watched in terror as those witches were devoured by the ground until I saw nothing of them. I was trapped in this sphere without help, with nothing. Looking around, scared of what I was seeing, I forced myself to think, without any other choice, where to go, or what to do. My body was still tied to the ribbons, and they were buried in the ground along with the witches. I tugged again to see if I could get rid of them, but they didn't budge. In fact, I couldn't move from where I was.

This could not be happening, the witch was supposed to be here, helping me, but looks like she abandoned me.

“Leaf, please, if you are still inside me, help me. I need you.”

If I didn't receive help or a way out, I was doomed to be in this place forever. And how to kill myself to avoid a tragedy? What about Kael? Oh! Kael, how I wish you were with me right now, “Kael.” I screamed, but this place muffled any sound.

My voice extinguished as if I said nothing in this empty and desolate place, swallowing it all. Trying to calm myself down, I looked around again, still with the hope to find something, but as much as I looked around me, everything was the same. The only thing different was me and these ribbons sticking out of the ground. Brid, think, think.

Kael told me to stay strong. But what can that do to get me out of here? And what about Salima? She assured us that she would take care of everything. She has to do something. I have to be patient, maybe what she is planning needs time. I will remain calm and wait for something to happen, patiently. For now, I have no other options. So, I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. It was hard trying to calm this horrible anxiety, but I sat on the floor, crossing my legs in the shape of a butterfly. I supported my elbows on my legs and straightened my spine.

Meanwhile, I kept looking inside me, observing through the eyes of my mind. Kael would not abandon me, and Salima knew what she was doing. I lasted in this position for a while, but it wasn't easy. Even though I knew my mate would be with me at any moment, the uncertainty didn't stop bothering me.

Then, out of nowhere, images began to form inside my head that I didn't want to see or know. But something caught my attention, and the ribbons began to throb. I could feel them moving to the rhythm of my heart. Shimmering dust was also emanating from them. But my attention to them did not last long because more images continued to form, invading me.

Kael was standing in front of me. It was the first time we met. I couldn't take my eyes off him because he was so spectacular. Strong, powerful, and beautiful. I could feel his wolf roaring inside him. The mighty Alpha of the Ghost Fang pack. Having seen him for a moment, I knew he was for me. My heart beats with joy and happiness.

Me? A simple 14-year-old she-wolf had the privilege of having this Alpha as my fated mate, I was thrilled. Then he extended his hand to me without saying a word. I smiled from the bottom of my heart and took a step forward. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw how my best friend Fatima walked forward, extending her hand to Kael's. He takes it, and brought it to his lip, then kissed it tenderly. My eyes widened, and my stomach sank. My heart began to beat uncontrollably, denying what I was seeing.

No, I thought over and over. He is mine. I said in my head. But what I was witnessing makes me think about myself. I had to do something before she snatched him out of my hands.

Leaf let out a howl of warning; however, Kyle put Fatima behind him, protecting her from me.

“No, she's not your mate, I am.” My desperation did not let me see that I was disrespecting the Alpha. I wanted to make him see that it wasn't Fatima, but I, who should be holding his hand right now. But Leaf was full of jealousy, only wanting to protect what was hers.

Kael's eyes turned black, and my bravery began to fade at this sight. Leaf stood still without making any noise but still didn't back down. She knew she had to fight for our mate. It was our right.

The mighty Alpha let out a scream that made us shiver. My knees were buckling, and I had no choice but to fall to my knees before him. I put my head on the ground and exposed my neck in submission. Kael walked up to me, with his fangs fully exposed. His hands and feet became claws.

Wind was about to come out, and if Kael would allow it, this could be the end of me. My body was shaking, and I started to sweat. Leaf finally flinched, seeing the impossible task in front of her. Kael approaches us, and with her tail between her legs, she withdrew into a hidden place inside of me. The only thing I could feel was her sadness and defeat. But Kael had already reached where I was kneeling on the floor, I only could see the claws on his feet.

I, without looking up, asked him, “Why? You are my mate. I am made for you, just as you are for me. Why choose her?” I finally, looked up at his face, with all the courage left, and what I saw terrified me and broke me even more.

From above, Kael looked at me with disdain and hatred, and after a few seconds, he said, “YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME.” Those words hurt like hell.

“Wind doesn't recognize you as his mate. You are not worthy to be by my side. Your wolf is nothing, she is not strong. Anyone could defeat her effortlessly.”

He roared wildly as he continued, “Who are you to tell me what to do? If I want to be with Fatima or any other she-wolf in the pack, what are you going to do about it? I'll take a new she-wolf every day, and I'll fuck them in front of you to show you that you're nothing. Then, what could you do?”

I shuddered at such aggressiveness. And as if in slow motion, he raised his claw, directing it straight at my face. I closed my eyes, letting it happen. 

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