
  Find her


It was already the next day, and I hadn't left my office all night. It was impossible for me to take my eyes off those photos. Memorize and record in my brain every little detail. Still, there were things I had to know. Despite being up all night, I was not tired. I had to solve this issue that was getting out of hand, and for this, I need the help of the best trackers in the pack.

“Conrad, come to my office with five of the best trackers we have, and also bring Fatima with you, do not delay.”

“Alpha, good morning, I'll do it right away.”

I leaned against the back of my chair and sighed. I have to get to the bottom of all this. Furthermore, I cannot continue out of control. I need to find Brid and have her explain all of this. Wind is choppy all the time. He needs his mate as soon as possible. Even if it is from afar because, after this, nothing will be the same between us. The pack will need a drastic change in hierarchical structures. No more good Alpha, that's over. No one, from now on, will be able to take advantage of me.

Five minutes later, the door to my office opened. Conrad entered with the five trackers and Fatima. They all stood attentively in front of my desk, waiting for my instructions. I got up from my chair and walked over to the conference table. They all followed me.

“Sit down.” Since everyone was ready, I started, “My mate is lost.” The trackers looked at each other, surprised to hear this news.

“Three days ago, Fatima, here present.” My eyes rested on her for a few seconds before continuing, “and Toni were the last to see her. My mate has not returned on her own, so we have to find her. There are serious accusations against her, and she has to be held accountable for her actions.” While saying this, Fatima began to cry. I approached her and put a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see me with her eyes filled with tears.

“Oh! Alpha, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. Had I not confronted her in the forest, she would not have fled. Forgive me Alpha.” She fell into my arms, crying louder. I have no choice but to console her.

“Yes, now, Fatima, we are going to find her, but I warn you now that things will not be as before.” She turned to see me with surprised eyes. I smiled slightly at her, and she did the same.

“Yes, Alpha, it sounds logical. There are some wolves who are very daring. I understand you perfectly, Alpha. Brid shouldn't have abused your trust like that.” Hearing the name of my mate, I immediately released her. I turned my back on her and addressed the others.

“Fatima, can you tell me the exact place where you saw my mate for the last time?” She wasn't expecting this because her face said it all. She was really surprised.

She cleared her throat before beginning, “Yes, as our Alpha said, Toni and I were the last to see her. Now, I'll tell you what happened: She mentally linked Toni one day before the date. She told him that she had something important to say to him. He accepted, but contacted me immediately, telling me everything Luna told him. Toni asked me to accompany him. He said he was already tired of Luna stalking him.”

Fatima, as she continued to tell her story, from time to time, discreetly looked at me from the corner of her eye. I think she was looking for some kind of reaction from me.

“I went with him; however, I hid in the bushes. Toni wanted to get evidence to show the Alpha. He told me that the harassment should stop. I only took the photos from a distance. That was it.”

Hearing her, my chest rose violently. My breathing increased, and my head was about to explode. Wind was getting violent. He wanted to go out and hunt our mate. The room was filled with violence because my pheromones were filling the place. My body was preparing to hunt.

Everyone present instinctively lowered their heads. Wind's power was making itself felt. Fatima, for her part, threw herself to the ground on her knees. She was the most submissive of all those present. Without paying any more attention to her, I walked over and stood in front of her.

“Where was the place where you met?” Wind growled, he was demonstrating his power. He had to be obeyed.

“A-aalpha, it was in the southern forest, near the lake. In fact, Luna summoned him near the fruit trees.”

“Are you sure it was the southern forest, next to the fruit trees?”

Fatima began to tremble but managed to answer, "Y-yes Alpha, I'm confident.”

“You can leave.” She looked at me with eyes full of surprise and disappointment at the same time. What was she waiting for? Fatima got up and with her head bowed she left the room.

When the door was closed, I turned my attention to the other wolves. Wind was with me, and with half a growl and half-human voice, I commanded them. “LOOK FOR HER, I'LL LEAD THE WAY.”

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